Frames for the Wizards
Since the 90’s, Harry Potter and the Wizarding World have been a household name in families around the globe. After discovering he is the son of famous wizards, the story follows 11 year old Harry, and his experiences enabling him to step into an amazing world full of magic. The Harry Potter glasses collection is designed in line with the Wizarding World, and includes key motifs; including Harry’s lighting scar. One thing we can guarantee is:
“We solemnly swear that these glasses are up to no good”
Colours: Red and Gold
Emblem: Lion
Element: Fire
Qualities: Courage, bravery, boldness and strength.
Colours: Green and Silver
Emblem: Snake
Element: Water
Qualities: Greatness, ambition, cunning and pride.
Colours: Blue and Bronze
Emblem: Eagle
Element: Air
Qualities: Originality, wisdom, creativity, intelligence and curiosity.
Colours: Yellow and Black
Emblem: Badger
Element: Earth
Qualities: Loyalty, honesty, patience and a taste for hard work.